On Thursday,
November 1 Whole Foods is donating 5% of sales to the Irving Schoolyard
To support this effort over 30 teachers and staff from all
District 97 schools volunteered to have their pictures placed in Whole
Foods near their favorite food. You can find them! Go on a scavenger
hunt to find them while also shopping to help the ISP! Get the full list
of teachers when you come in the door, write down their favorite food
when you find their picture, and enter the raffle to win a gift card
from Whole Foods Market! If time is an issue, please consider using
their personal shopper (fee waived this day). All you do is place an
order at least 48 hours in advance by emailing mw.rvf.marketing@wholefoods.com
or calling 708.366.1045 (ask for Concierge Lauren) and then pick up
your fulfilled order that day at a time specified by YOU! So head out to
Whole Foods Market in River Forest on Thursday November 1st.